Tuesday, December 18, 2007

Posture Pump - Reasons to Use

The silent video will help you understand why you need the posture pump. The coolest part is the X-ray fluoroscopy, which they used to do at the local shoe store many years ago before they knew of the dangeroud effects of radiation.

Monday, December 17, 2007

Acupuncture Basics

The 3 Step Detox

Sorry I had promised people that I would get the 3-step detox video up here, but due to size restrictions on this website, I am not able to upload, but am trying to find a converter to be able to make the video size smaller. Any suggestions? Thanks.

Friday, November 30, 2007

Omega 3 and Cholesterol

A patient comes in this week to let me know that he has been taking our Omega 3 for two weeks. He had a blood test with total cholesterol of 190's about a month ago. He has his updated cholesterol test last week and it dropped to 160.


Test your Omega 3 supplement with ours:

Fill up 2 styrofoam cups with water and put them on a tray. Open up the contents of our Omega 3 into one cup and the contents of a competitor's omega 3 in another cup. Allow them to sit for at least a half hour. Come back and observe what happens.

What happened to us when we had tried it was that the water leakage due to our Omega 3 eating away at the cup it warped one of our desks because it was left over the weekend!


Allow us to test how much Omega 3 your body needs, because one capsule will dissolve one styrofoam cup, but you are MUCH BIGGER than a styrofoam cup!

Not to mention all of the other benefits of Omega 3 fatty acids:

-balancing the omega 6: omega 3 ratio
-ratio should be 1:1
-REALITY: Ratio is 12:1 due to our poor diet = IMFLAMMATION AND PAIN

-improving the brain and nervous system
-building blocks for brain tissue
-improves certain types of depression and other psychiatric disorders

-important component in reducing cholesterol

-improves high blood pressure

-decreases risk of heart disease

-may help with arthritis


-skin disorders

-other inflammatory conditions


-macular degeneration

-cancer: colon, breast, prostate

So with only a small imcomplete list of benefits, why should you hold off taking Omega 3?

Wednesday, November 7, 2007

Chiropractic helps blood pressure

A WebMD article on chiropractic and blood pressure. Many of our patients already feel the benefits of a de-stressed spine.


Should you treat your kid's ADD or ADHD with drugs?

As every single day over 300 people die from properly prescribed medications. That's as much as a jumbo jet crashing daily, with everyone dying. Would you quit flying?

http://youtube.com/watch?v=NjveFXLK8vA is an eye opening video on the reality of properly prescribed medications.

A reason to detoxify

This is the link for mercury toxicity from the University of Calgary, Canada.


If you think that dental amalgams are safe, think again.